

Uw lenzen kunnen worden behandeld met meer dan 10 lagen coatings om helderder en sterker te worden en meer bescherming voor het oog te bieden

Blue Balance

Optical coatings are used to reflect, direct and filter light, prevent light reflection, protect surfaces, and improve the quality of optical components.

Lens with protective coatings have extremely high quality, improves the appearance of your glasses and increases resistance to constant wear.


Even though blue light is necessary, too much may lead to harm and pose a number of risks.

Blue light can:

  • Disrupt your biorhythm

  • Lead to sleeping disorders

  • Promote the development of eye conditions

  • Cause eye strain and redness


The new BLUE BALANCE coating for eyeglass lenses:

  • Protects against harmful blue-spectrum light emitted by digital devices

  • Eliminates reflections from the inside and outside of the lens

  • Reduces eye strain

  • Is 12 times more scratch-resistant

  • Is easy to maintain
    Protects eyeglass lenses from dust and dew


To address these issues, experts at Optic Lenses had developed a modern coating for eyeglass lenses, called Blue Balance.

Cutting-edge technologies produce a double-sided coating effect, which helps protect the eyes from harmful light emitted by digital devices, resulting in less eye strain and a reliable sense of comfort.

  • Disrupt your biorhythm

  • Lead to sleeping disorders

  • Promote the development of eye conditions

  • Cause eye strain and redness

Even though blue light is necessary, too much may lead to harm and pose a number of risks.

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